Hi, I’m James, and I’ve always had a passion for travel. It’s taken me quite some time to start working toward my dream of visiting every country in the world. Life has kept me busy, as I’ve explored four different careers and juggled various responsibilities that left little room for personal travel goals.
Along the way, I’ve had the chance to live and work in a few states, serve in the military, and pursue diverse educational and professional opportunities. These experiences have shaped who I am and led me to my current role teaching global business and management courses to undergraduate and graduate students. In addition to teaching, I conduct research in business strategy and leadership, exploring how organizations can navigate challenges and create value in an ever-changing world. I also stay active with interests like real estate, community service, and, most recently, background acting—a hobby I picked up after retiring from the U.S. Army Reserve.
Despite my busy schedule, I’ve finally started planning and working toward my global travel goals. This blog is my way of sharing that journey, along with some reflections and photos from the road. Thanks for stopping by—I hope you find something here that inspires you.