In May of 2019, I returned to Northern Virginia for work, however, this time my wife traveled along and we had a couple of weekends to explore the area. We visited Monticello (Thomas Jefferson) and Montpelier (James Madison). While I had heard a great deal about Monticello and Thomas Jefferson’s quirky design style, Montpelier was a great surprise. The estate is well kept and the guide did a tremendous job of presenting the story of James Madison. We also had the opportunity to dine at Michie Tavern (near Monticello), the Kenmore Inn in Fredericksburg, the Gadsby Tavern in Alexandria and Old Ebbitt Grill in Washington, DC. All highly recommended for the ambience and the food.
From Top Left: Monticello, Montpelier, The House Where Lincoln Died, Michie Tavern.